2023 Badminton Club Championships

This year's tournament proved to be a showcase of exceptional talent, as some of the most skilled and experienced badminton players from across the Club brought their best! From thrilling matches to nail-biting finishes, the tournament provided a memorable experience for both players and spectators alike. Congratulations to all those who participated and especially those who saw the hard work they have been putting in training come to fruition. A huge thank you to Coach Val for putting on such an amazing tournament.

“Thank you and congratulations to all of our members who took part in the 2023 Badminton Club Championships last from April 24th-27th. The event was a big success! We were happy to see many great matches throughout the week. Many thanks to our volunteers Monica Lau, Danny Lau, Kathryn Jamieson-Lega, Ray Tomcej and Herbie Kot for helping out with our draw desk throughout the event. Thank you to our food and beverage team for putting together a great buffet dinner for our participants to gather and celebrate all their achievements from the week. Thank you to all those that attended and many thanks to Kris Shenoy and Nojan Mannani for helping us to present the medals to our award winners. Special thanks to Danny Lau and Monica Lau for sponsoring our gifts for our 2023 Champions. We hope to see you all again for our next event!”

Valerie Loker, RGC Badminton Head Pro

A special congratulations to all of our tournament award winners from the week:

Women's Singles Open

1st: Ellen Tam, 2nd: Kathryn Jamieson-Lega, 3rd: Sharlise Wu

Men's Singles C/D:

1st: Nick Young, 2nd: Nicky Seifert, 3rd: Ryder Jones

Men's Singles Open:

1st: Kris Shenoy, 2nd: Nojan Mannani 3rd: Austin Yau

Men's Doubles C/D:

1st: Ray Tomcej and Stephen Atkins, 2nd: Nick Young and Al Thong, 3rd: Wojtek Malinski and Tony Wong

Men's Doubles Open:

1st: Kris Shenoy and Nojan Mannani, 2nd: Ian Scott and Austin Yau, 3rd: Ben Shih and Preston Shih

Women's Doubles Open:

1st: Abby Ledda and Ellen Tam, 2nd: Tracy VanWassenhove and Lily Bastell, 3rd: Kathryn Jamieson-Lega and Tiffany Chan

Mixed Doubles C/D:

1st: Nigel Ashworth and Tran Pho, 2nd: Ray Tomcej and Roberta Grynoch, 3rd: Al Thong and Cindy Lau

Mixed Doubles Open:

1st Nojan Mannani and Lily Bastell, 2nd: Ellen Tam and Preston Shih, 3rd: Danny Lau and Abby Ledda


Canadian Badminton Masters Championships


Pickleball Injury and Small Group Training!